
This blog is being set up as a tool to keep everyone as informed as possible. We all love Kaleb and want Gerry and Tina to know that we are here for support.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My first visit with Kaleb

Today I went with Grandma Wayne to Primary Children's Hospital to visit with Kaleb.since I hadn't been up to the hospital since the incident, I was not really sure what to expect. We reached Kaleb's room in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) and immediately I began to cry. I did not expect to see my little cousin so swollen. My worries, however, quickly began to fade when Tina and Grandma explained how much improvement has taken place in the last week and a half. While we were at the hospital, I met the surgeon who worked on Kaleb's eyes. He explained that though Kaleb's eyelids are swollen, his eyes are healing. Though Kaleb was asleep, (he is heavily sedated and will continue to be probably for the remainder of this week,) he was moving his arms and legs. There was originally a lot of fear that that he would not be able to use his right side, however, the movement he is showing gives reason for optimism. The skin on the right side of Kaleb's scalp is necrotic. This basically means that the skin has died and is now a blackish color. When this happens, there is a possibility that though the skin looks so bad on the surface, it may be healing underneath. In this case, the dead skin eventually acts as a scab and falls off revealing the new healthy skin. If this is not the case with Kaleb, the doctors will have to use skin from Kaleb's leg as a type of skin graph. They are waiting and will make the needed decision when the time comes. Right now the key thing that everyone should know is that Kaleb is improving, even if it is slowly. I'll try to update this as much as possible so that everyone is on the same page. We love you Kaleb!


  1. This is great Braquel, it'll be nice for everyone to be well informed!

  2. My heart goes out to him and his family! Thanks for keeping us posted!
